Cranial Discharge

The gooey ooze that leaks out of my head

Stage 400 Amp

The Stage brand of amps was sold by Westbury/St. Louis Music, which also had an association with Univox from what I understand. The model I had was an all solid state 2×10. The clean sound was very nice, reverb was somewhat weak, but also good sounding. It had a knob labelled “clipping” that was unique. Unique in that it has to be the single worst sounding control I have ever heard. Ever. Anything above zero resulted in the most grating, annoying sound I have heard an amplified make. And somebody purposely put that control there! Does that mean they liked that sound?? And they made the knob go up to 10 so you could get more of that sound! I don’t know what they were thinking.

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Posted in Amps by gm on April 10th, 2011 at 3:59 am.


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3 Replies

  1. I have one (Stage 400, 12 inch speaker) that I bought from a pawn shop for $70. It has the best clean sound I’ve ever heard. Used it to amplify both my strat and my harmonica.

    Plus it has a really nice spring reverb tank. Unfortunately the speaker magnets on mine are so powerful that they will suck the tank upwards and interfere with the springs. So on gigs I pull the tank out of the body of the amp.

    I agree with you on the clipping effect. What the hell were they thinking?

    Question: the first volume knob on right has “pull for HB.” What is HB? Amp does sound louder with that knob pulled out.

  2. Good question, I have no idea. I would test it out, but the amp’s been dead for years. I still have it in the garage, but have only used it as a speaker cab once in a rare while.


  3. HB – stands for “high boost” it is a clean boost pull out switch. God for boosting you lead solos.

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